Usecase of javascript

⚙️ Task 7.2 -
📌 Write a blog explaining the usecase of javascript in any of your favorite industries.
➼What is JavaScript?
JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and multi-paradigm. It has curly-bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based object orientation, and first-class functions.
It’s is also used in Web Development for improving user experience. JavaScript is a text-based programming language used both on the client-side and server-side that allows you to make web pages interactive. Where HTML and CSS are languages that give structure and style to web pages, JavaScript gives web pages interactive elements that engage a user.
➼ Uses of JavaScript
1. Web Development
JavaScript is a client scripting language that is used for creating web pages. It is a standalone language developed in Netscape. It is used when a webpage is to be made dynamic and add special effects on pages like rollover, roll out and many types of graphics. It is mostly used by all websites for the purpose of validation. In addition to validations, it supports external applications like PDF documents, running widgets, supporting flash applications, etc. It can also load content into a document whenever the user requires it without even reloading the entire page.
2. Server Applications
Node JS is built on Chrome’s Javascript runtime for building fast and scalable network applications. It uses event-driven, lightweight, and efficient applications which are to be distributed over the systems with the help of a server. Javascript is used to handle HTTP requests and generate content. When a user is writing thick applications in JavaScript on the client then a user may even write the logic in JavaScript on the server so that cognitive leaps can be done from one language to the other.
3. Web Servers
Using Node JS a web server can be created. The advantages of Node JS are that it is event-driven and would not wait for the response of the previous call. It moves to the next call and takes advantage of events to get notifications when a response is received for a previous call. The servers built on Node JS are very fast and do not use buffering and transfer chunks of data. In addition to this, it is single-threaded with event looping which is used in a non-blocking way. The HTTP module can help in creating a server by using the createServer() method. This method is executed whenever someone tries to access port 8080. In response to this, the HTTP server should display HTML and should be included in the HTTP header. It can be installed easily by typing ‘npm install -g http-server’ and it can be started by typing the http-server command.
4. Games
Not only websites but the use of JavaScript also helps in creating games for leisure. The combination of JavaScript and HTML5 makes JavaScript popular in game development as well. It provides the Ease JS library which provides simple solutions for working with rich graphics. It also has an API that is familiar to all-flash developers with a hierarchical display list. A user can create a Stage and it will render the display list to its target canvas. Ease JS also has 2D bitmaps called Sprites which are drawn directly to render the target for transformations.
5. Smartwatch Applications
Javascript being the most used language is because it is being used in all possible devices and applications. The use of JavaScript provides a library Pebble JS which is used in smartwatch applications. This framework works for applications that require the internet for its functioning. Using Pebbles allows a developer to create an application for a number of watches using JavaScript.
6.Flying Robots
Yes, even this is the field that is not left untouched by JavaScript.Using Node Js a user can program a flying robot.
➼ Major Companies that Using JavaScript
Okay, so you’re probably not going to find JavaScript powering Windows anytime soon, but Microsoft relies on JavaScript for a whole lot else. First off, Microsoft needs to work closely with JavaScript to built its Edge web browser. All browsers need to process and execute JavaScript efficiently, so Microsoft has developed and maintains its own JavaScript engine for Edge. Actually, there has been talking of them creating an alternate version of NodeJS with the Edge engine.
Recently, Microsoft has really embraced NodeJS. They thoroughly support Node on the Azure cloud platform. It’s one of Azure’s major features, and they’ve integrated Visual Studio support for Node.
Microsoft has also developed a version of Node for Internet Of Things(IoT) applications. NodeJS is great for IoT because it’s lightweight and efficient.
Like PayPal, Netflix started out using Java for just about everything. They too ran into problems with Java’s size and the time it required to develop.
Over time, Netflix moved away from its more traditional structure into the cloud and started to introduce NodeJS. With Node, Netflix was able to break down pieces of their user interface into individual services. This more distributed approach was able to speed things up and alleviate stress on their servers. Today, a large portion of Netflix’s interface is running on Node.
Uber needs to handle loads of data in real-time. They have millions of requests coming in continuously, and that does not just hit on a page. Uber needs to track driver locations, rider locations, and incoming ride requests. It has to seamlessly sort that data and match riders as fast as possible.
All of that plays to NodeJS’s and JavaScript’s strengths. Node is designed to handle requests and handoff data quickly. Its asynchronous capabilities are a huge part of that. Node is central to Uber’s user-facing stack for just that reason.
You’re probably aware that Facebook uses JavaScript. It’s kind of hard to miss. What’s probably not as obvious is exactly how much JavaScript goes into making Facebook and how much Facebook is involved in JavaScript development.Try disabling JavaScript in your web browser and going to Facebook. The website will actually stop you from logging in because it won’t work without JavaScript.
You may have noticed the way that Facebook loads. Each piece of the page is separate. Facebook has invented its own way of breaking down and delivering sections of JavaScript separately. In an odd way, each section of your Facebook page is a collection of independent JavaScript applications. It doesn’t stop there. Facebook created React, one of the most popular front-end frameworks. Facebook uses React on as well as Instagram and WhatsApp.
How doesn’t Google use JavaScript? Seriously, it’s everywhere. Google’s search results spring up as your typing gets there with JavaScript. The Gmail web client is powered by JavaScript. Google Docs? Yeah, that’s JavaScript too.
Google develops and usually opens sources its own JavaScript tools. The most obvious example is AngularJS. Angular is used most prominently in Google’s DoubleClick advertising platform, but it’s also one of the most popular front-end frameworks available. It’s even part of the MEAN stack. Google’s more intensive services, like Google Docs, use Closure Tools. This set of tools compiles JavaScript into a lower-level faster form more suited for rich and highly responsive web applications. There’s another big point to touch on. Google developed Chrome. Chrome is a web browser,
Most people probably don’t think of Walmart as a tech company, but because they’re one of the largest retailers in the world, their online retail business is gigantic. It’s not much of a stretch to see how they need to build a technologically advanced web application to drive their online business. Walmart started out with Java. It’s a solid enterprise-grade platform that has been the de facto choice for years. However, Walmart needed something faster and lighter weight for their mobile site. So, they turned to NodeJS.
Once again, Walmart began to see Node as a valid Java replacement in loads of other places. Today, the that you see is powered by Node. NodeJS was also the ideal choice for other web applications within their marketplace that require multiple users to be able to access management interfaces simultaneously.
LinkedIn relies on NodeJS for its mobile site. A few years back, LinkedIn used Rails for its mobile site. As with other large Rails applications, it was slow, monolithic, and it scaled poorly. LinkedIn switched over to NodeJS to solve its scaling problems. Node’s asynchronous capabilities allowed the LinkedIn mobile site to perform more quickly than before while using fewer resources. Node also made data sharing and building APIs easier for LinkedIn developers.