Fun commands in Linux
🔹 ARTH — Task 1.5🔹
Task Description 📄
📌 Find out different Fun commands like sl, cowway, etc. in Linux from the Internet. Next, create one blog/document & there show all those commands with various options. Put different screenshots on that blog/document. Post that on your social media and share the post link in the below form.
1.) sl (Steam Locomotive)
It is a steam locomotive that runs across the screen if we type “sl” (Steam Locomotive) is a fun command which is discovered by misplacing ls command.

2.) cowsay command
This command brings a cow on the screen and displays whatever is entered in the double coats

3.) cowsay -e command
It is the same cowsay command which but the extra thing is it replaces the eyes of the cow with the letters that we give.

4.) cowsay -f kiss command
It is the same cowsay command in this command the funny thing is the man kisses a woman which you can see in the terminal.

5.) banner command
in this command, we can print the banner on the terminal of whichever text we want.

6.) yes command
It is funny but useful as well, especially in scripts and for System Administrators where an automated predefined response can be passed to the terminal or generated.

7.) figlet command
This fun command is almost the same as the banner command but this command gives a different look and feel in the terminal.

8.) fortune command
what about getting your random fortune, sometimes funny in the terminal.

9.) rev command
It is a funny but useful command it reverses every string given to it.