Exploring Zenity Command
Zenity is a rewrite of gdialog, the GNOME port of dialog which allows you to display dialog boxes from the command line and shell scripts.

1️⃣ What is Zenity?
👉 Zenity is an open-source and cross-platform application that displays GTK+ Dialog Boxes in command-line and using shell scripts. It allows to ask and present information to/from the shell in Graphical Boxes. The application lets you create Graphical dialog boxes in the command line and makes the interaction between user and shell very easy.
2️⃣ How do we come to know zenity is installed or not 🤔...?
zenity --version

Let's start Exploring Zenity commands
This program follows the usual GNU commands line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (‘-’).
1.) About zenity
zenity --about

2.) Man zenity
man zenity command gives us complete information about zenity commands including commands.


3.)Zenity calendar
displays calendar dialog
zenity --calendar

4.) Zenity entry
Displays the entry dialog
zenity --entry

The text entered in the dialog box gets printed in the terminal

5.) Zenity error
Displays the error dialog
zenity --error

5.1) We can edit the text to be displayed on the dialog box
zenity --error --title "ARTH_2.0" --text "Task_1.1"

6.) Zenity File selection
Displays the file selection dialog

zenity --file-selection

6.1) If any file selected
It displays the the location of the selected file.


7.) Zenity info
Displays the info dialog
zenity --info

7.1) We can edit the text to be displayed on the dialog box
zenity --info --title "ARTH_2.0" --text "Task_1.1"

7.2) Date command on the info dialog box
The present date gets displayed on the dialog box
zenity --info --title "ARTH_2.0" --text "Todays date is $(date)"

8.) Zenity List
Displays the list dialog
zenity --list

Note:-There is no output because, list needs data to be entered in column. If there is no data then no list.
let us try with our PG data 🤩
zenity --list \--title='Shivani PG' \--column='SL.no' --column='Name' --column='Room No' --column='Phone No' \1 Govardhan_M_G 305 8197307618 \2 Hithesh_Kumar_N 305 9108228731 \3 Dileep_Kumar_S_R 302 9110619797 \4 Chethan 302 9449036429\


9.) Zenity Warning
Displays the warning dialog
zenity --warning

10.) Zenity Scale
Displays the scale dialog
zenity --scale

11.) Zenity Color Selection
Displays the Selected Color dialog
zenity --color-selection

11.1) Zenity Color palette display
Displays the Selected Color on the palette dialog
zenity --color-selection --show-palette

12.) Zenity with other commands
Takes the command as input from the entry dialog and displays the output of the command in the info dialog box
zenity --info --text "$($(zenity --entry))"